Broadband and the Digital Divide

According to Peter Voderberg, Chief of Broadband Ohio (an initiative of the Dewine administration), nearly one million Ohioans do not have access to high speed internet.  What follows is a very useful and easy to understand article about the broadband issue / digital divide in America. 

Unlearning Hate

The racial injustice and subsequent events of the past several weeks have been mind-numbing. Hate makes no sense. The events since the George Floyd murder have forced a space for thinking much more deeply about inequity, racism and what it must feel like to be on the receiving end of unsolicited hatred. Our black and brown children must surely be traumatized.

Week of June 15

Governor activity
Gov. Mike DeWine signed House Bill 164. The bill, which originally dealt with student religious expression in public schools, was amended and passed by the General Assembly to address school district operations for the 2020-21 school year. Due to the emergency clause in the bills, the legislation took effect immediately. Click here to read an analysis of the bill.

Week of June 8

General Assembly activity
The General Assembly sent House Bill (HB) 164 to Gov. Mike DeWine for his approval. The bill was substantially revised in committee by the Senate and now provides flexibility to districts for the 2020-21 school year, as well as additional state funding to certain districts. Click here for a discussion of the changes made to HB 164.

CommunicationPlus - June-July 2020

Five video ideas for your school social media accounts

Communicating with your students, staff and community has never been more important. We are dealing with unprecedented challenges, and social distancing has made face-to-face communication practically impossible.

But we have a tool that has become priceless over these past several months ... social media.