To reach OSBA staff members, call (614) 540-4000 or (800) 589-OSBA. Individual staff member’s phone extensions are listed following each name. You can click on a name to send an email to that staff member. 

Board leadership and training:  Cheryl W. Ryan (289), Teri Morgan (276)

Board/superintendent/treasurer relations or executive searches:  Cheryl W. Ryan (289), Teri Morgan (276)

Legal information/parliamentary procedure:  Sara C. Clark (222)

Ohio Education Policy Institute: Nicole Piscitani (232), Jennifer Hogue (233), Renee Gibson (230)

OSBA governance: Dr. Kathy McFarland (273)

OSBA legislative positions: Jennifer Hogue (233), Nicole Piscitani (232), Renee Gibson (230)

Policy issues: Kenna Haycox (242)

Policy updates: Roni Dalchuk (200), Helena Michaels (252)

Running for a board of education: Cheryl W. Ryan (289), Teri Morgan (276)

School finance: Jennifer Hogue (233)

Student achievement: Kim Miller-Smith (275), Dr. Kathy McFarland (273)

Transportation services: Doug Palmer (240)

Workshops: Scott Clay (284), Melanie Price (270)