Statement by Rick Lewis and Lee Schreiner

OSBA is deeply saddened and outraged at the deaths of George Floyd and others who have tragically lost their lives to systemic racism over the years. We add our voice to all who have expressed the need for change and the willingness to take appropriate steps toward change.

Week of May 25

House activity
The House passed House Bill (HB) 194 by a vote of 83-10. The bill legalizes and regulates sports gaming and earmarks 98% of the sports gaming profits for education. The House Finance Committee on Wednesday amended and passed the bill. The amendments expanded license eligibility and made nonsubstantive technical and clarifying changes.

Virtual Summer Camp 2020

Explore mathematics through engaging activities in an untraditional environment during this weeklong math summer program for middle and high school students. Discover the richness and beauty of mathematics and have fun! Build skills and confidence and express your creativity. The program especially encourages female and gender nonconforming students to apply.


High School - July 6 to 10

Middle School - July 20 to 24

Cost: Free!

Learn more or apply:

CDC Releases School Reopening Guidelines

On May 19th, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its” interim guidance on how schools and other establishments can safely open during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Week of May 11

Governor activity
Gov. Mike DeWine announced the reopening plan for child care centers and day camps. Click here for the child care guidance document and click here for the day camp guidance document.

Auditor of State encourages board approval of employee pay decisions during pandemic

At a recent telephone meeting with Ohio school district treasurers, Auditor of State (AOS) Keith Faber took questions about school district finances and audits as affected by the COVID-19 school building closures. AOS Faber answered a wide range of questions and provided valuable insight for school board members and district treasurers.

Remote learning - district resources

Communication will be key for your school district as you plan for the future. If there's anything we can do to assist, please let us know.

Distance Learning Evaluation Surveys