School Reset and Restart Guidance

The Ohio Departments of Health (ODH) and Education (ODE) have prepared guidance documents for school districts to use as they plan for the 2020-21 school year. One question that has been raised about the documents is whether school districts are required to implement the elements discussed or whether they are merely recommendations.

Return-to-school resources

Get resources on health and safety, remote instruction and operations to make returning to the classroom as safe as possible.

School re-opening guidelines

Earlier this afternoon, Gov. Mike DeWine announced the release of two guidelines for the re-opening of schools in the fall. One is health focused and the other is for school administrators. Staff of the OSBA division of legal services are reviewing the documents in detail and will provide more information soon.

Week of June 29, 2020

Governor activity
Gov. Mike DeWine announced guidance for reopening K-12 schools for the 2020-21 school year. Click here to read the guidance.

OSBA Sports Law Workshop a virtual success

Last Friday, OSBA hosted its annual Sports Law Workshop in a virtual format. Thanks to all of the school staff who attended the workshop and to all of the experts who shared their time and excellent information.

Week of June 22

Senate activity
The Senate voted to concur on Senate Bill (SB) 4 by a vote of 21-10. The bill provides $300 million to the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission for K-12 schools. The bill now goes to Gov. Mike DeWine for his signature.