Posted by Sara Clark on

State lawmakers have finalized an expedited process to hear complaints from citizens alleging they were wrongfully denied access to public records. The bill, Senate Bill (SB) 321, received unanimous votes in the Ohio House and Senate and is awaiting signature by the Governor.

Under current law, an individual may seek to compel the production of a public record by mandamus action, which is a lawsuit to compel a public official…

Posted by Sara Clark on

Last Friday, the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice released joint guidance on their interpretation of the rights of and protections for transgender students under Title IX.

The guidance document, which comes in the form of a Dear Colleague Letter, does not add requirements to existing law, but adds another voice to an ongoing conversation about whether Title IX’…

Posted by Sara Clark on

On Tuesday, the Ohio Supreme Court held in the case White v. King that Ohio’s Open Meetings Act prohibits any private prearranged discussion of public business by a majority of the members of a public body regardless of whether the discussion occurs face to face, telephonically, by video conference, or electronically by email, text, tweet or other form of communication.

In March 2012, Adam White, a school board member for the Olentangy…

Posted by Sara Clark on

The Fourth Circuit court of appeals recently ruled in G.G. v. Gloucester Cty. School Bd., that courts must give deference to the U.S. Department of Education’s recent guidance that public schools must treat a transgender student in conformity with the student’s gender identity.  

The case involved a transgender male student in Virginia named Gavin Grimm, whose birth-assigned sex was female, but who identifies as male. In 2014, Gavin’s school district adopted a policy that required students…

Posted by Sara Clark on

The Ohio Ethics Law requires certain elected officials and public employees to annually file a financial disclosure statement with the Ohio Ethics Commission (OEC). A financial disclosure statement requires a filer to disclose information regarding their personal financial interests and fiduciary relationships for the preceding calendar year.

Historically, the deadline for filers was April 15. However, in June 2015, HB 64 made changes to Revised Code section 102.02, including revisions to the filing deadline. As a result, the statutory deadline is now May 15. This year, May 15 falls…

Posted by Shadya Yazback on

OSBA’s Legal Division has recently posted updates to three of its fact sheets:

The full list of fact sheets that OSBA has published can be accessed here.  

Posted by Shadya Yazback on

The Legal Division, in conjunction with OSBA’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee, has published a new resource page on diverse learners. The page provides some resource links that provide background, contextual information, and guidance around certain groups of students.

You can visit the resource page here:

Posted by Megan Greulich on

There are some important dates coming up in relation to the College Credit Plus (CCP) program for the 2016-17 school year. CCP allows students in grades 7-12 to enroll at any public college/university and any participating nonpublic college/university on a full- or part-time basis and complete nonsectarian, nonremedial courses for transcripted high school and/or college credit.

Districts should have already provided students in grades 6-12 with information about participation in CCP by the required March 1 deadline. Districts also are required to hold an informational session by…

Posted by Sara Clark on

The Ohio Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of a public entity in a construction contract dispute where OSBA’s Legal Assistance Fund (LAF) provided amicus support. The decision is a good one for school districts and other public entities, especially those interested in putting in place penalties for a construction company’s failure to complete work in a timely manner.

In 2007, the Village of Piketon solicited bids to install a traffic signal. The contract with the winning bidder, Boone Coleman…

Posted by Shadya Yazback on

The U.S. Department of Education recently observed that children from Muslim families, Arab American children, and boys from Sikh families that wear religious head coverings are at increased risk to be targets of bullying as a result of backlash from recent domestic and international terror attacks.  In the aftermath of the Paris attacks and San Bernadino shootings, the…