Posted by John R. Price on

On June 17, 2024, a federal district court in Kentucky issued an injunction blocking implementation of the new Title IX rule issued by the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) in April. The injunction is effective in Ohio and several other states. Over the past few weeks, OSBA has posted information for our members about the new rule, as it would create significant changes to the scope of Title IX and the processes that must be followed when allegations of sex discrimination are made in schools. This injunction means…

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Posted by Jennifer A. Hardin on

In this week’s Legal Ledger Sidebar, Jennie and John talk about some of the key aspects of the newly released  Title IX regulations. More information about the new regulations…

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Posted by John R. Price on

Late yesterday afternoon, the U.S. Department of Education issued a new proposed regulation on Title IX and a related fact sheet. The proposed rule would affect the rights of transgender students to participate on athletic teams that align with their gender…

Posted by Jennifer A. Hardin on

This Legal Ledger post is a follow-up on previous recent posts, with new or expanded resources and a reminder of an upcoming deadline for districts.

Threat assessment teams

Posted by Sara C. Clark on

Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance. On Oct. 4, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (DOE) released

Posted by Sara C. Clark on

In conjunction with the 50th anniversary of Title IX, the U.S. Department of Education has released proposed amendments to the regulations for Title IX for public comment. US DOE also released a fact sheet on the draft rules as…

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Posted by Jennifer A. Hardin on

Earlier this month, two federal courts issued decisions in cases involving the rights of transgender students. These decisions should help school districts understand their legal obligations as they apply to all students. 

Grimm v. Gloucester County School Board 

Posted by Sara C. Clark on

Today, the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) issued interim guidance for schools on how to investigate and adjudicate allegations of sexual misconduct under Title IX. The guidance follows a Sept. 7 announcement from Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos that DOE and its Office for Civil Rights (OCR) will initiate a process to…

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Posted by Sara Clark on

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal from a Virginia school board seeking to prevent a high school student from using the boys' bathroom. In April, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit gave deference to the federal government's position that Title IX, the federal law prohibiting discrimination "on the basis of sex" in public schools, protects the rights of transgender students to use school bathrooms that align with their gender identity. The court ordered the…

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