Posted by Jennifer A. Hardin on

For school districts in Ohio, one of the most consequential acts passed last year was HB 318. Among other things, the act:

  • Established training requirements for school resource officers (SROs).
Posted by Sara C. Clark on

On Wednesday, an Ohio appellate court ruled that the media was not entitled to the education records of a deceased former student.

On Aug. 4, 2019, a 24-year-old man killed nine people, injuring 27 more…

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Posted by Van D. Keating on

On Sept. 24, 2019, the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) announced its final rule regarding changes to the salary thresholds for employee exemptions from the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”). DOL estimates that these changes will make 1.3 million American workers newly eligible for overtime pay.

Posted by Jennifer A. Hardin on

On Tuesday, the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) emailed…

Posted by Jennifer A. Hardin on

Earlier this week, the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) introduced a student wellness and success page on its website. ODE created the page to provide information to school districts, community partners and parents about ODE-allocated funding to support student wellness and success.

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Posted by Sara C. Clark on

A federal district judge recently issued a final ruling in favor of transgender student Gavin Grimm. The ruling marks an end to a long legal process that began in 2015, with stops in the district court, court of appeals and U.S. Supreme Court along the way.

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Posted by Van D. Keating on

Join the Division of Legal Services at OSBA’s offices on Friday, Sept. 6 for our second collective bargaining workshop. The program will cover the bargaining process, current issues and some difficult subjects in school negotiations. You will also leave with important tips for effective bargaining and discuss some frequently exchanged bargaining proposals. This program has been submitted to the Supreme Court of Ohio Commission…

Posted by Sara C. Clark on

On July 12, the Ohio Attorney General’s (OAG) office

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Posted by Jennifer A. Hardin on

On July 17, the Supreme Court of Ohio issued its decision in New Riegel Local School Dist. Bd. of Edn. v. Buehrer, resolving the long-standing…