New guidance related to budget bill changes

The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) is rolling out guidance documents to help districts manage some of the changes in the 2024-25 biennial budget bill, House Bill (HB) 33. Here are some of the resources that have been issued to date:  

Online day plans 

Eligibility change for students with developmental delays

The Ohio General Assembly passed House Bill (HB) 554 in the final days of the last General Assembly. Among other things, the bill changed the definition of “child with a disability” under Ohio law, increasing the maximum age of students who are eligible for services under that category.

Online and blended learning guidance

The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) has updated its online and blended learning guidance for the 2021-22 school year. The guidance now includes a new section in the FAQs on temporary online learning for closures due to COVID-19 outbreaks, as well as adding FAQs expanding guidance related to online learning and blended learning.

New Remote Learning Pathways Information

On April 1, the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) released additional information regarding Remote Learning Pathway Considerations 2021-2022.


Ohio's Coronavirus Relief Act

As this week of dramatic change comes to a close, we hope it finds you and your loved ones safe. One thing that has become very clear during this time is how important public schools are to the entire fabric of their communities. We, at OSBA, are ready to help districts as they continue to perform vital functions for students and their families.