Friday, April 21, 2017

8 a.m. – Registration and breakfast

9:15 a.m. – Opening general session
Paolo DeMaria, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Ohio Department of Education (ODE)


10:45 a.m. – Student achievement

SA1: Using Ohio's school report cards to inform strategic planning
Dr. J. Christopher Woolard, senior executive director, Center for Accountability and Continuous Improvement, and John Richards, consultant, Ohio Department of Education (ODE)
Handouts: sa1.pdf

SA2: Personalized, blending learning – what's it all about?
Jamie Meade, managing director, Learning and Leading, Battelle for Kids
Handouts: sa2.pdf

SA3: Poverty's impact on student achievement
Hazel G. Rountree, board member, Dayton City
No handouts currently available


Noon – Networking luncheon
Luncheon sponsored by CompManagement
Handouts: CompManagement.pdf


1:15 p.m. – Finance

How to levy and remain popular
Rebecca C. Princehorn, attorney, Bricker & Eckler LLP
Handouts: F1.pdf | Bond - Election Filing Deadlines - 2017 - 2020.pdf

F2: What treasurers hope board members know about the five-year forecast
Michael Sobul and Matt Bunting, consultants, Public Finance Resources, Inc.
Handouts: f2.pdf

F3: Medicaid in schools – recent developments and the impact on your district
Mark Smith, financial program manager, ODE
No handouts currently available

Handouts: f3.pdf

2:45 p.m. – Critical issues

CI1: Start Talking – an update on drugs in schools
Sarah Smith, director, Start Talking!, Gov. John R. Kasich's office
Handouts: ci1.pdf | STPostcard2016.pdf

CI2: Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-19 school-funding overview
Dr. Howard B. Fleeter, consultant, Ohio Education Policy Institute
Handouts: ci2.pdf

CI3: Budgets, boards and alternative interpretations – how new legislation affects your district
Damon Asbury, director of legislative services; Jay Smith, deputy director of legislative services; and Jennifer Hogue, lobbyist, OSBA
Handouts: ci3.pdf


4 p.m. – Adjourn for the day


Saturday, April 22, 2017

7:30 a.m. – Buffet breakfast

8:15 a.m. – Board development

BD1: You can lead a horse to water – strategies to keep moving forward when others don't follow the rules
Cheryl W. Ryan, director of board and management services, OSBA
Handouts: bd1.pdf

BD2: Circle the wagons
Teri Morgan, deputy director of board and management services, OSBA
Handouts: bd2.pdf

BD3: Conflict resolution for board members
Al Long, J.D., board member, North College Hill City and Great Oaks Career Campus; and Zack Whittle, board member, North College Hill City
Handouts: bd3.pdf


9:45 a.m. – Leadership

L1: Budgets, boards and alternative interpretations – how new legislation affects your district
Damon Asbury, director of legislative services; Jay Smith, deputy director of legislative services; and Jennifer Hogue, lobbyist, OSBA
Handouts: CI3.pdf

L2: Staff discipline – accountability is hard work – do it anyway
John E. Britton, attorney, Ennis Britton Co. LPA
Handouts: l2.pdf

L3: The opioid epidemic
Randi Ostry, drug use education and policy manager, and Amy O'Grady, director of criminal justice initiatives, Ohio attorney general's office
Handouts: l3.pdf

11:15 a.m. – Hot topics

HT1: Understanding the warning signs of suicide – how schools can respond
John Ackerman, suicide prevention coordinator, Nationwide Children's Hospital Behavioral Health
Handouts: Suicide Prevention in schools OSBA 4-22-17.pdf | SuicideWarning_FactSheet.pdf | CSPR_SOSforSchools_Brochure_2016.pdf | National and Local Suicide Prevention Websites_hotlines_apps 1-27-17.pdf

HT2: Serving transgender, foster, homeless and English learner students – panel discussion
Sara C. Clark, director of legal services; Kenna S. Haycox, senior policy consultant; and Steve Horton, school board services consultant, OSBA
Handouts: ht2.pdf | Resource Page.pdf

HT3: Ethics 2.1 – an advanced overview
Jennifer A. Hardin, deputy director of legal services, OSBA
Handouts: ht3.pdf


12:30 p.m. – Closing Luncheon with Ohio Rep. Robert R. Cupp
Luncheon sponsored by CompManagement Health Systems Inc.
Handouts: cmhs.pdf