CommunicationPlus - August 2017

Bringing diverse voices to the table: Creating truly inclusive school communications

A new school year is around the corner and with it  a host of communications challenges and opportunities. Gearing up for the start of the school year is an excellent time to reflect on your communications plans and make needed adjustments before heading into the whirlwind of another year.

The Great American Eclipse

On Monday, Aug. 21, all of North America will be treated to an eclipse of the sun. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and Earth and blocks all or part of the sun. To see a total eclipse, where the moon fully covers the sun for a short few minutes, you must be in the “path of totality.” Ohio is too far north to be in the path of totality, but Ohioans will see a partial solar eclipse at around 2:30 pm.

Paving and competitive bidding

This time of year, the legal division always receives an increase in questions about whether paving projects must be competitively bid.

BWC rebate checks

For the third time in four years, the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation is returning more than $1 billion dollars to Ohio’s private and public employers. This is due to an improving safety climate, good fiscal management and better than expected investment returns that have put the fund in a net position of more than $9 billion.

School levy season

It’s summer time, with barbecues, swimming pools and baseball in full swing. But even though we are enjoying all the things that come with summer, your district should be thinking about November if you’re planning to have a levy on the ballot. Levy deadlines are coming soon, so you need to start planning now. 

Here are some upcoming deadlines to keep in mind: 

Competitive bids for emergency conservation measures

Recently, we’ve received questions about whether a school district is required to seek bids for purchasing or installing energy conservation measures on installment payment or shared-savings contracts. Pursuant to RC 3313.372 and RC 3313.373, the short answer is no, school boards of education are not required to seek competitive bids.

The laws stipulate that a:

ODE posts new draft sections of Ohio’s ESSA plan

Just yesterday, the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) posted additional draft sections of Ohio’s federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) template. Ohio released its original draft plan in Feb. 2017 after soliciting stakeholder feedback. In March, the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) released a revised ESSA plan template, and as a result, Ohio is releasing a revised plan application that meets DOE’s revised template requirements.