National Bullying Prevention Month

October is National Bullying Prevention Month, which was created with the goal of transforming a society that accepts bullying into one that recognizes that bullying can be addressed through education and support. It’s a great time for your school community to raise awareness of bullying and its consequences, and to promote your bullying prevention efforts.

Week of September 25

Senate Education Committee

The committee heard proponent testimony on House Bill (HB) 170. This bill calls for developing optional academic content standards and model curriculum for computer science. HB 170 also addresses educator qualifications for teaching computer science.

National Anthem Protests

Last year, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick made headlines for his refusal to stand for the National Anthem. NFL players, professional athletes in other sports and even Stevie Wonder recently followed Kaepernick’s example, motivated in part by President Trump’s call for team owners to fire and otherwise silence players who participate. As football season kicks off at high schools around the country, districts may wonder how to respond.

Week of September 18

House activity

The House passed House Bill (HB) 235 by a vote of 81-9. This bill outlines procedures for the General Assembly’s approval or disapproval of the state’s Every Student Succeeds Act plan.


Week of September 11

House Education and Career Readiness Committee

The committee heard proponent and opponent testimony on House Bill (HB) 21. This legislation addresses the verification of community school enrollment.