House Education and Career Readiness Committee

The committee heard proponent and opponent testimony on House Bill (HB) 21. This legislation addresses the verification of community school enrollment.

The committee also heard proponent testimony on HB 98. This bill deals with the presentation of career information to students.

Opponent testimony on HB 108 also was presented to the committee. This legislation which would require one-half unit of instruction in financial literacy within the high school curriculum.

The final bill before the committee was HB 246, which would require the Ohio School Facilities Commission to provide funding to certain county boards of developmental disabilities to help with classroom facilities projects. Reps. John A. Boccieri (D-Poland) and Jeffrey S. Rezabek (R-Clayton) offered sponsor testimony on the bill.


Joint Education Oversight Committee

The focus of the committee’s meeting was to explore social/ emotional learning. Committee members heard presentations on the PAX Good Behavior Game, neurosequential model and Mayerson Academy’s Thriving Learning Communities curriculum.


House Education Poverty Task Force

The task force heard a presentation from the National Conference of State Legislatures on the impact of poverty on academic performance and future success. It also was announced that future presenters will include Superintendent of Public Instruction Paolo DeMaria, a former administrator of the Oyler school and Dr. Howard Fleeter, consultant with the Ohio Education Policy Institute.

Posted by Jennifer Hogue on 9/15/2017