Upcoming deadline reminders

As we approach the end of the 2021-22 school year, there are myriad deadlines that require district officials or employees to act.

Week of May 9, 2022

State Board of Education
The State Board of Education selected Stephen Dackin by a 14-4 vote to serve as Superintendent of Public Instruction.

The State Board approved the Dyslexia Guidebook by a 12-7 vote. Click here to read the approved Dyslexia Guidebook.

School Wellness Toolkit - ODE

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause stress, affect emotional well-being and intensify mental health needs. The Protecting Youth Mental Health: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory identified that mental health needs in young people continue to rise with symptoms of anxiety and depression doubling during the pandemic. Though increases in distress symptoms are common during disasters, most people cope well and do not go on to develop mental health disorders. Resiliency can be learned and developed, especially with home, school and community supports.

Week of May 2, 2022

With the legislature still on spring recess, Facts in a Flash will resume next week when they return.

Posted by Nicole Piscitani on 5/05/2022

Attendance Awareness Campaign

Attendance Works and its national partners are launching the 10th annual Attendance Awareness Campaign webinar series for 2022. The free, four-part series will emphasize the power of using chronic absence data to recover from challenges heightened by the pandemic.

CommunicationPlus - May 2022

Celebrate seniors: Tips for social media and local recognition

Graduation is a rite of passage for students and a chance to demonstrate their dedication and achievement.

It is and always has been a cause for celebration, representing the conclusion of 12 years or more of school attendance and work, and is perhaps the last milestone of childhood. It should therefore be celebrated with the appropriate level of fanfare.

Celebrating in real life