Updating your district's OSBA Membership Roster

The district treasurer automatically has access to edit your district's roster.

To designate someone to edit the roster
If you would like to grant that privilege to someone else in your district, please email Brendan Swartz at bswartz@ohioschoolboards.org with the designee's contact information, and she will grant permission to edit the roster to the designee.

Sign up for the winter OSBA Book Club

Join the OSBA Book Club in reading "The Governance Core" with your district team. Sign up for the free OSBA Book Club to receive questions to guide your team's discussion.

Customized training for your board and staff

From school law and policy to board governance and strategic planning, there’s an OSBA program or presentation available that can improve the knowledge and skills of school board members, administrators and other employees in your school district.

Some of the best board training often happens with individual boards on topics customized to meet their needs. OSBA has a host of experts who can provide a variety board governance training.

New Classroom Quarantine Guidelines and Expiration of FFCRA

New Classroom Quarantine Guidelines 

The Ohio Department of Health issued a new fact sheet  K-12 School Quarantine Guidelines. The new guidelines stem from a study that showed children who had close contact (defined as within six feet for 15 minutes) to infected individuals and appropriately masked had rates of COVID-19 that were similar to children with no known COVID-19 exposure in school.

Kindergarten Enrollment

The Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy (Ohio State University) recently posted the following: “Kindergarten enrollment in American schools has plummeted during the pandemic, potentially setting back educational and social development for children at a critical age and impacting public school budgets for years to come. Most states don’t require kindergarten attendance.