Resources for conflict questions

Many board members question if they have a conflict of interest whether due to relationships, attempting to sell goods or services to the public agency they serve, or seeking employment with the agency they serve.

Week of March 15

Governor activity
Ohio Department of Health Director Stephanie McCloud signed an addendum to the second amended order that provides mandatory requirements for youth, collegiate, amateur, club and professional sports and extracurricular activities. Click here for a link to the signed order.

From Dreams to Action

Last week I had the opportunity to hear Ohio Teacher of the Year, Anthony Coy-Gonzalez speak. He was outstanding. His presentation was about our dreams and our quest for better systems for all of our students. Coy-Gonzalez encouraged the audience to look back to the dreams we once had, or still hold - for ourselves and for our students. He said, "The needs of our students are clear.

Week of March 8

State report card reform
Reps. Don Jones (R-Freeport) and Phillip M. Robinson, Jr. (D-Solon) announced at a press conference the introduction of House Bill (HB) 200. The bill would revise the state report card and school accountability systems. OSBA participated in the press conference.

Week of March 1

Governor activity
Gov. Mike DeWine announced the procedure to rescind all health orders as they relate to the COVID-19 pandemic. He indicated that once the number of new cases drops below 50 per 100,000 citizens over a two-week period, all health orders will be rescinded.

Transgender employee transition guidance for employers

While most of the conversations in schools about gender transition has been focused on students, schools need to be aware that transgender employees may be involved in gender transition as well.  Federal laws against sex and disability discrimination make it illegal to fire, refuse to hire, harass, or otherwise discriminate against transgender employees&nbs

CommunicationPlus - March 2021

Collaboration works

The COVID-19 pandemic has created overwhelming challenges for schools, especially how to protect students and staff, meet the needs of all students and safely return to in-person learning. Districts and school boards can more effectively handle these challenges if they create a collaborative communication culture.