Thank you school bus drivers!

May 1 is School Bus Driver Appreciation Day. Thank the men and women working in your transportation department for the efforts they make in keeping Ohio’s children safe each day.

District Leadership: Advocacy

Family, School and Community Engagement is a critical factor for nearly all educational issues. We've learned a great deal about how to effectively think about, talk about and promote Family and School Engagement to provide opportunities for all and to benefit teachers and students. In an upcoming Journal article, I've written about board members as community and political advocates and specifically about board leadership teams leading from the middle. This responsibility ties community engagement and systemic school improvement to advocacy.

Diversity and equity resources

OSBA has compiled resources to help your district have critical conversations on diversity and equity issues. If you need further assistance, contact OSBA at (614) 540-4000.

Graduation Pathways

Ohio Department of Education (ODE) recently published new graduation pathways for the 2020-21 school year that are derived from the recently enacted House Bill 67. The first pathway is curriculum-only. The second pathway is curriculum requirements and OhioMeansJobs-readiness Seal.