Kindness: It Matters

Several years ago, I was working with a district to increase cohesiveness amongst administrators and teachers and to improve the learning opportunities for all the students in the district. To that end, I created a survey for teachers and administrators about various issues they face. One area in the culture of the district demonstrated tremendous conflicting answers - teacher support. Administrators believed teachers were given tremendous support in instructional matters, but teachers responded there was little support for their work.

Upcoming Workshops

The legal division at OSBA hosts many workshops and seminars throughout the year.  These workshops are for a wide variety of attendees and the next workshop is the Sports Law Workshop on June 24 in the afternoon and June 25 in the morning. This event is virtual, so you can learn and ask questions in casual wear. 

CommunicationPlus - June-July 2021

Communicating tips for your reopening

In the era of COVID-19, when teachers, parents and students have had to make huge changes, school communications have had to pivot as well. The flyer-in-the-backpack routine no longer works when backpacks stay home with their owners. So, how have schools fared, and what can we do now that schools are reopening?

Education post-pandemic

The June issue of the OSBA Journal examines what public education will look like in a post-pandemic world and lessons learned.