The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) has recently unveiled a webpage designed to assist school districts as they implement the requirements in the law on positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS).
PBIS is a multi-tiered, school-wide, behavioral framework developed and implemented to improve academic and social outcomes and increase learning for all students. Ohio law requires school boards to implement PBIS on a system-wide basis that complies with state laws and rules. ODE was charged with adopting a rule to reflect the requirements in the law, including professional development. More information about PBIS is available here.
The ODE rule includes these required standards for a PBIS framework:
- Explicit instruction of school-wide behavior expectations.
- Consistent systems of acknowledging and correcting behaviors.
- Teaching environments designed to eliminate behavior triggers.
- Family and community involvement.
- Professional development for student personnel.
The required professional development for the implementation of PBIS must occur at least every three years. The rule requires districts to have continuous training structures in place to provide ongoing coaching and implementations with fidelity.
The required professional development must include an overview of PBIS, the process for teaching behavioral expectations, data collection, implementation of PBIS with fidelity, consistent systems of feedback to students acknowledging appropriate behavior and correcting behavior errors, and consistency in discipline and discipline referrals. The district is responsible for keeping records of the completion of professional development. More information about the professional development requirements is available from ODE at this link.
ODE’s new PBIS website includes many different resources, including free professional development designed to be used by districts to support the Ohio rule. The available training modules are a series of short videos that show actual examples of PBIS implementation, including interviews with educators, staff, students and administrators from schools across Ohio. According to ODE, the modules have been designed for use by PBIS leadership teams “to provide guidance, strengthen a focus area, and supplement learning for all school personnel, including classroom teachers, related arts teachers, classified staff, bus drivers, coaches, families, and community members.”
The modules support districts in meeting the requirements in Ohio law and rules. More advanced training for district PBIS leadership teams is available through the regional state support teams and educational service centers. OSBA’s division of legal services will continue to monitor this issue and share information about additional resources for districts to meet their obligations under the law.