PDQ August 2018

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CommunicationPlus - August 2018

Case study: PR lessons from a water crisis

The community where I live recently experienced an unfortunate lesson in crisis communications management — what not to do. This episode illustrated how good people with the best of intentions can make bad decisions. Fortunately, they recovered from their missteps.

Dive into alternative funding sources

School boards and their leadership teams can discover how to optimize their school district’s financial health through alternative funding resources. Learn how strong partnerships among the leadership team can lead your district to success.

Crowdfunding campaigns

“Crowdfunding” are online fundraisers that help teachers and schools solicit donations of money and supplies to enhance classrooms and enrich the education of their students. Crowdfunding sites are popular with teachers and other well-intentioned individuals seeking to raise funds for their schools. However, the practice can cause significant potential legal issues for schools and district employees.

USDAN Newsletter - Summer 2018

Toledo City Schools: Giving students a voice
by Steve Horton

On May 7, I visited a special meeting of the Toledo City Schools Board of Education. It was an important event for the district, featuring a panel of high school students who had an opportunity to speak about their life experiences and what they and their fellow classmates are most concerned about.