What's the difference between engagement and communication?

Take a look at the article below from KnowledgeWorks. 

At the district, building, and classroom level, communication is essential to involving and engaging families in their children's education.  
However, while information and communication is essential, it is not sufficient when the desire is to build true family partnerships. 

On-Demand Learning

We, at OSBA, would like for all members to be able to attend all of our workshops but we know that is unattainable.  We understand everyone’s busy schedules and other obligations.

OSBA Diversity and Equity Committee

The OSBA Diversity and Equity Committee provides a forum for addressing the unique challenges and opportunities facing diverse school board members. Committee members share concerns, ideas and suggestions with each other and OSBA. Composed of board members and association staff, it also supports OSBA’s efforts to promote and build awareness of issues relating to diversity in schools, equity in education and initiatives to enhance diverse students’ academic achievement.