Week of September 19, 2022

State Board of Education
The State Board of Education approved a resolution to authorize the Ohio Department of Education to put out a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a search firm with the purpose of finding candidates for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Federal update
Please click here to read the weekly Federal Advocacy Education Report that includes education related information.

HB 99 effective next week

In June, Gov. Mike DeWine signed House Bill (HB) 99, which expands the Ohio School Safety Center (OSSC) and outlines training and public notice requirements for school districts that authorize individuals to go armed on school grounds. In anticipation of the bill’s effective date on Monday, Sept.

Products and services available with your OSBA membership

Through their district's membership in OSBA, school board members and their districts can take advantage of numerous products and services. These entities become members upon payment of dues. Below is a listing of these member benefits.

When your board of education approves its yearly renewal of its OSBA membership, you automatically get:

Essential ingredients of effective networks

Francesca Gino, Maryam Kouchaki and Tiziana Casciaro recently wrote in the Harvard Business Review that networking is a necessity and a mountain of research shows that professional networks lead to among other things: broader and deeper knowledge, improved capacity to innovate, improved work quality and increased job satisfaction.

As we work to network with community members and district personnel, here are 8 essential ingredients that Fullan and Rincon-Gallardo assert as necessary for effective networks and collaboration.

Special education reminders: child find and initial evaluation procedures

It’s the beginning of a new school year, and it’s a busy time for all district personnel, but it tends to be a particularly active time for special education personnel. The end of summer and the beginning of a new school year brings new students to your buildings, and current students are always growing and changing. It is thus critical for your district personnel to be ready to identify students who may need special education.

Week of August 29, 2022

Computer science plan
The State Committee on Computer Science voted unanimously to approve a final report of the State of Ohio Computer Science Plan, which focuses on K-12 education. The report includes 10 recommendations. Read the final report here. OSBA provided comments during the public comment period, which can be read here.

CommunicationPlus - September 2022

Cultivating business partnerships

The goals of schools and businesses are intertwined. Schools are tasked with preparing students for their next steps, including entering the workforce. Businesses need a strong labor pool. It only makes sense that these two entities partner in readying students for future success.