This month, the legal division is using the Sidebar discussion to tackle the “Question of the Month.” The question is: “Can a school district official or employee hire their family members?” Jennifer Hardin and John Price discuss Ohio’s law prohibiting nepotism, including who is covered by the law, what the law actually prohibits, and who is an official's family member.

For more information about nepotism, OSBA has a helpful fact sheet located at this link or this QR Code:  

More resources are available from the Ohio Ethics Commission including: 

If you have general questions about nepotism or other ethics laws, please contact us on the legal hotline at (855) OSBA-LAW. Questions about specific situations should be directed to your board’s legal counsel. 

If you have comments or suggestions for future Legal Ledger Sidebars, feel free to contact anyone in the legal division:  

Jennifer Hardin:  
John Price:  
Sara Clark:  
Lenore Winfrey: 


Posted by Jennifer A. Hardin on 7/31/2024