Week of September 18

House activity

The House passed House Bill (HB) 235 by a vote of 81-9. This bill outlines procedures for the General Assembly’s approval or disapproval of the state’s Every Student Succeeds Act plan.


Week of September 11

House Education and Career Readiness Committee

The committee heard proponent and opponent testimony on House Bill (HB) 21. This legislation addresses the verification of community school enrollment.

LAF assists two districts in recent cases

OSBA’s legal assistance fund (LAF) supports school districts that are defending legal challenges with the potential to affect public schools statewide. Recently, the LAF board of trustees voted to approve amicus briefs in support of school districts in two cases: Wilson v.

AEDs and district liability

Today, all schools may choose to make automatic electronic defibrillators (AEDs) readily available, but what are the legal risks involved in using the devices? Should a school district be prepared to respond to legal challenges if its employees use the AEDs?

Enter OSBA's student video contest

Students are encouraged to create a brief video that shows how their school district and/or high school is providing a wide range of educational options aimed at helping students succeed. The deadline is Oct. 20.

Bus bidding services

Without the right buses, it is very difficult to operate an effective and safe transportation program. 

Unfortunately, purchasing the right bus is more involved than calling your neighborhood bus dealer and ordering what you want. Public schools are subject to bidding laws, and are required to purchase buses through a competitive bidding process that includes a number of steps to comply with the laws.