Recent state agency guidance for schools

Two state agencies have recently prepared new resources for school districts: The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) updated its truancy and attendance guidance, and the Ohio History Connection (OHC) added resources for properly managing local government records.

Truancy and discipline resources

CommunicationPlus - November-December 2017

Creating a culture of collaboration

“I always say culture is how people behave when their boss isn’t looking,” said Will Dean, CEO of Tough Mudder racing events. He’s talking about corporate culture, but he could just as easily be talking about schools.

Creating a school and district culture that brings about the best possible outcomes for kids means keeping everyone involved at their highest level so you have access to those top skill sets your teachers, leadership and community bring to the table.

School Fatality Reporting

A recent employee fatality in a school district highlighted an important, but often overlooked requirement by the Bureau of Workers Compensation (BWC): reporting. BWC/PERRP requires that all employee fatalities resulting from a work-related incident must be reported and recorded within eight hours, including inpatient hospitalization of three or more employees from a single work-related incident. The eight-hour reporting requirement starts when the accident takes place or as soon as the district becomes aware of the death or multiple hospitalizations.