Week of December 14

General Assembly activity
The General Assembly sent Senate Bill (SB) 310 to Gov. Mike DeWine. The bill, which originally provided for the distribution of Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding to local subdivisions and businesses, was amended in conference committee to include the following changes:

BWC News

In November, Governor DeWine appointed John Logue as the new Administrator/CEO of the Bureau of Workers Compensation. Earlier in his career, John worked for CompManagement and was the program administrator assigned to work with the OSBA/OASBO workers’ compensation program.


Fair Funding Plan

Re:        House to Vote on the Fair School Funding Plan Tomorrow; Encourage your Representative to vote “YES”  


December is here and with it the holiday season. I don't need to talk about how it's going to be different. Our days are uncertain, and that is going to be our certainty for a while. Let's move forward.

In-person Meetings

The restriction on gatherings of ten or more people was first introduced in the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Director’s Mar. 22 “Stay at Home Order.” The ban on gatherings of ten or people has been extended through various orders and an exception was never given to boards of education.