Re: House to Vote on the Fair School Funding Plan Tomorrow; Encourage your Representative to vote “YES”
Today, the House Finance Committee unanimously voted to pass Substitute House Bill (Sub. HB) 305 and report it to the Rules and Reference Committee, which placed the bill on tomorrow’s calendar for a full vote of the House of Representatives at its 1:00 session on Thursday, Dec. 3, 2020. Click here to watch the vote live on The Ohio Channel.
Please reach out to your House Representative to ask him/her to vote “YES” on passage of HB 305.
Meanwhile, a hearing on Senate Bill (SB) 376, the Senate’s companion bill to HB 305, took place yesterday in the Senate Finance Committee as panelists heard testimony from the Cupp-Patterson Work Group members. At this time, the next Senate Finance Committee meeting has not been scheduled. We will provide the date and time once that hearing is scheduled.
We expect that the school district leaders who presented testimony for their respective regions in the House Finance Committee will have the opportunity to testify again in the Senate Finance Committee. Links to their testimony are included below. If you have not already signed on to your region’s testimony, please consider doing so. You can sign on by clicking here.
The Fair School Funding Plan delivers the adequate and equitable level of funding necessary to provide opportunities for all public school students across the state. We have included resources below to assist you as you reach out to legislators.