Talking with students about controversial issues

The events at the United States Capitol have created anxiety for many Americans, not the least of which are our children. Our teachers are now tasked with the notion of how to respond to students about the events that occurred.

Northwest Region Community Page

Welcome to the Northwest Region Community Page

This page contains video recognition of school board members, administrators, teachers, other school personnel and community members that make the school districts in Northwest Ohio some of the best in the state. Click on an image below to view the video.

Week of January 11

Governor activity
Gov. Mike DeWine signed into law House Bill (HB) 409. The bill modifies student attendance requirements at certain e-schools; changes education law for the 2020-21 school year to provide school districts continued flexibility and relief during the COVID-19 pandemic; and provides flexibility to school districts regarding educational requirements of substitute teachers for the 2020-21 school year.

A Shot in the Arm

Over the last few weeks, it seems like everyone is talking about vaccines. "Have you gotten it?" "Are you a 1a or a 1b?" "How do I get my shot?"

Regulating politics in a school district

The ability to express political ideas and to gather with other citizens and engage in political activity are among the freedoms that American citizens protect most zealously. However, these rights are not boundless, particularly in a public workplace like a school. School boards and district administrators sometimes struggle to balance these basic rights of employees and the need for a calm, safe and respectful workplace. 

Updating your district's OSBA Membership Roster

The district treasurer automatically has access to edit your district's roster.

To designate someone to edit the roster
If you would like to grant that privilege to someone else in your district, please email Brendan Swartz at with the designee's contact information, and she will grant permission to edit the roster to the designee.

Sign up for the winter OSBA Book Club

Join the OSBA Book Club in reading "The Governance Core" with your district team. Sign up for the free OSBA Book Club to receive questions to guide your team's discussion.