Week of February 15

House activity
The House passed House Bill (HB) 2 by a vote of 91-5. The bill establishes the residential broadband expansion program. The bill was amended in committee to provide additional funding of $150 million in fiscal year (FY) 2022 and includes an emergency clause.

Informed Governance on-demand series

Are you a leader in your district? Do you know how to properly ask governance questions?

You don’t want to miss this six-part on-demand Informed Governance webinar series designed to address questions each member of the district leadership team should be asking to promote effective governance.

Week of February 1

House Finance Committee
The committee held testimony on the executive budget proposal for fiscal years 2022 and 2023. Click here for information on the executive budget proposal and here for district-by-district simulations for Student Wellness and Success Funds.

School Staff Vaccination News

On Feb. 2, the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) released updated guidance on the K-12 School Staff Vaccination Program. The new guidance includes an updated K-12 school vaccination timeline as well as more specific definitions as to which K-12 personnel are eligible for the vaccinations.

More specifically, ODH states the following in the new guidelines: