Stand Up for Public Schools

Public schools are a critical component of an informed, democratic society and the American way of life. They provide the educational foundation that each and every child needs to go on to college and careers — and succeed in life.

Facts in a Flash - March 31, 2017

Biennial budget update

The House Finance Subcommittee on Primary and Secondary Education has finished hearings on the education provisions of the biennial budget legislation, House Bill (HB) 49. The General Assembly is set to begin its two-week spring recess April 10. We anticipate the House will have its changes incorporated into a substitute version of HB 49 when members return.


House Education and Career Readiness Committee

U.S. Supreme Court issues ruling in IDEA exhaustion of remedies case

Earlier today, a unanimous United States Supreme Court issued its decision in the case of Fry v. Napoleon Community Schools.  The Court overturned the lower courts’ decisions and remanded the case to the appeals court to determine whether the plaintiffs’ suit is about a denial of a FAPE rather than discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Sec. 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.