Before you hit the “send” button: Ohio Appeals Court rules on disclosure of medical information via email

One of the scariest, yet all-too-common, mishaps involving e-mail is when you hit “send,” but it zips out to the wrong person. More often than not, you immediately realize what you just did. You feel helpless, embarrassed and angry (that there is not an “un-send” key). Depending on the contents of the e-mail, you may even wonder if there are going to be any legal consequences for your gaffe. Luckily, a recent court decision helps to address the legal aspects, although it may do nothing to assuage your personal remorse.

Facts in a Flash

Senate activity

The Senate passed Senate Bill (SB) 36 this week by a 33-0 vote. This bill would make changes to the current agricultural use valuation formula.


Senate Finance Subcommittee on Primary and Secondary Education