"It cannot be ignored that reading proficiency is stagnant or declining at a time when exposure to the printed page is also declining... In one of the success stories, the District of Columbia attributed some of its success to the phase-in of universal preschool for 4 year-olds and most 3-year-olds over the last decade. Preschool is proven to have a positive influence on a child’s readiness to learn when the child gets to kindergarten. Ohio should have a task force working on universal preschool."
Much has been written about reading instruction in the United States over the last six months and our lack of progress in reading proficiency as measured by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The January 2020 Success Newsletter featured results of the Getting Reading Right study and recent Education Research Center Survey about this very topic. This stagnation in reading proficiency has occurred for well over a decade, impacting an entire generation of school children. While the Toledo Blade editorial linked below blames the system and teachers, all of what we've become accustomed to when faced with tough educational issues and non educators weighing in - it touches on some less discussed issues surrounding reading and teaching young children. The quote above gave me reason to pause. Is there a connection to exposure to the printed page and reading proficiency?
-From "Reading scores indict education" in the Toledo Blade