The Reading Instruction Predicament

"It cannot be ignored that reading proficiency is stagnant or declining at a time when exposure to the printed page is also declining... In one of the success stories, the District of Columbia attributed some of its success to the phase-in of universal preschool for 4 year-olds and most 3-year-olds over the last decade. Preschool is proven to have a positive influence on a child’s readiness to learn when the child gets to kindergarten. Ohio should have a task force working on universal preschool."

INFOhio Free Professional Development

INFOhio has partnered with Scholastic, the Educational Service Center of Northeast Ohio, Stark County Educational Service Center and the Great Start for Great Futures Coalition to offer a day of free professional development for teachers, administrators, curriculum directors, school librarians and other educational staff working with preK-5 students.
