Report Card Study Committee
The committee last week met for the final time ahead of its Dec. 15 deadline to submit recommendations on revising the report card. During the hearing, the committee heard testimony from Ross May, chief information officer, Canton City and Chad Henderly, chief information and process officer, Toledo City. Click here to read their testimony.

Senate Education Committee…

House activity
The House passed House Bill (HB) 17 by a vote of 90-0. The bill permits an enhanced homestead exemption of $50,000 for surviving spouses of public safety personnel killed in the line of duty.

Meanwhile, the House refused to concur in the Senate’s amendments to HB 2,…

Senate activity
The Senate amended and passed House Bill (HB) 2 by a vote of 31-0. The bill permits a collaboration of school districts, among others, to partner with industry sectors in order to be eligible for state grants to assist with hiring employees, developing curricula and educational resources and marketing workforce partnerships. The amendment does not affect the school-related provisions of the…

New law
Gov. Mike DeWine signed into law Senate Bill (SB) 26, which permits teachers to deduct from their state income taxes up to $250 for out-of-pocket expenses for classroom supplies and professional development.

House Finance Committee
The committee held a fourth hearing on…

House Finance Committee 
The committee held a second hearing on House Bill (HB) 305, sponsored by Reps. Robert R. Cupp (R-Lima) and John Patterson (D-Jefferson), which creates a new school-funding formula. Terry Armstrong, superintendent, Lordstown Local (Trumbull), testified in support of the bill. Click …

General Assembly activity
The General Assembly sent Senate Bill (SB) 26 to Gov. Mike DeWine for his signature. The bill permits teachers to deduct from their state income taxes up to $250 for out-of-pocket expenses for classroom supplies and professional development.

House activity
The House passed House Bill (HB) 76 by a vote of 54-39. The bill…

House Finance Committee
The committee conducted sponsor testimony on House Bill (HB) 305, sponsored by Reps. Robert R. Cupp (R-Lima) and John Patterson (D-Jefferson), which creates a new school-funding formula.

The committee also held a sixth hearing on HB 194, which legalizes and regulates sports gaming and earmarks 98% of the sports gaming profits for education.…

House activity
The House passed Senate Bill (SB) 26 by a vote of 90-0. The bill permits teachers to deduct from their state income taxes up to $250 for out-of-pocket expenses for classroom supplies and professional development. The bill returns to the Senate for a concurrence vote.

Prior to the vote, the House Finance Committee amended the bill with several changes including:
• exempting from sales and use tax the sale of feminine hygiene products associated with…

House activity

The House passed House Bill (HB) 123, sponsored by Reps. Gayle Manning (R-North Ridgeville) and Glenn Holmes (D-Girard). The bill requires public schools to implement certain programs on and provide instruction in suicide awareness and prevention and violence prevention. The bill now goes to the Senate.

House Primary and Secondary Education Committee

The committee conducted sponsor testimony on:


Senate Judiciary Committee
The committee conducted a second hearing on Senate Bill 144, sponsored by Sen. Sandra R. Williams (D-Cleveland). The bill requires student instruction on the prevention of and disciplinary procedures for harassment, intimidation or bullying and creates the offense of aggravated bullying as a third-degree misdemeanor.

Joint Education Oversight Committee
The committee conducted its final hearing as it is set to be…