Senate activity
The Senate passed House Bill (HB) 123 by a vote of 31-0. The bill requires public schools to implement certain programs on and provide instruction in suicide awareness and prevention and violence prevention and provides $2.5 million in payments to dropout prevention and recovery e-schools that are not operated by a for-profit entity and that received an “exceeds standards” rating on their most…

Ohio Controlling Board
The Ohio Controlling Board approved a request to use $100 million from the CARES Act’s Coronavirus Relief Fund for K-12 schools to use for COVID-19 expenses. This funding is in addition to the $440 million that was allocated to K-12 schools from the CARES Act’s Elementary and Secondary School Education Relief fund. The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) is issuing guidance next week on the use of funds. Click here to view a…

Governor activity
Gov. Mike DeWine announced he is submitting a request to the state Controlling Board to use $100 million from the CARES Act’s Coronavirus Relief Fund for K-12 schools to use for COVID-19 expenses. This funding is in addition to the $440 million that was allocated to K-12 schools from the CARES Act’s Elementary and Secondary School Education Relief fund. The Controlling Board is scheduled to meet on Monday, July 13. Click here to read the request, which includes detailed information…

Governor activity
Gov. Mike DeWine announced guidance for reopening K-12 schools for the 2020-21 school year. Click here to read the guidance.

Additionally, DeWine announced that the Ohio Department of Education has issued its "Reset and Restart" planning guide to assist school leaders with their planning and implementation efforts for the upcoming school year. Click here to read the "Reset and…

Senate activity
The Senate voted to concur on Senate Bill (SB) 4 by a vote of 21-10. The bill provides $300 million to the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission for K-12 schools. The bill now goes to Gov. Mike DeWine for his signature.

The Senate passed SB 288 by a vote of 31-0. The bill establishes…

Governor activity
Gov. Mike DeWine signed House Bill 164. The bill, which originally dealt with student religious expression in public schools, was amended and passed by the General Assembly to address school district operations for the 2020-21 school year. Due to the emergency clause in the bills, the legislation took effect immediately. Click here to read an analysis of the bill.

General Assembly activity
The General Assembly sent House Bill (HB) 164 to Gov. Mike DeWine for his approval. The bill was substantially revised in committee by the Senate and now provides flexibility to districts for the 2020-21 school year, as well as additional state funding to certain districts. Click here for a discussion of the changes made to HB 164.

House activity
The House passed Senate Bill (SB) 310 by a vote of 87-8. The bill, which originally provided for the distribution of Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding to local subdivisions and businesses, was amended Wednesday in the House Finance Committee. The committee amended the bill by adding capital reappropriations for certain agencies, including the…

House activity
The House passed House Bill (HB) 194 by a vote of 83-10. The bill legalizes and regulates sports gaming and earmarks 98% of the sports gaming profits for education. The House Finance Committee on Wednesday amended and passed the bill. The amendments expanded license eligibility and made nonsubstantive technical and clarifying changes.

The House passed…

Governor activity
Director of Health Dr. Amy Acton modified the existing public health orders. Click here to access the updated health order. Gov. Mike DeWine also announced the resuming of skills training for sports under certain conditions. Click here to read the new health advisory, and click