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Superintendents and their families

In the April OSBA Journal, the ‘According to Law’ article discussed nepotism restrictions. The article’s focus was on Ohio Revised Code (RC) Section 2921.42(A)(1), which prohibits any public official from authorizing the employment of a family member or using his or her position to secure authorization of a family member’s employment. However, we’ve received some questions since then on superintendents making employment recommendations for family members.

Deadlines for non-renewal of teacher contracts

June 1 is the deadline for providing written notice to a teacher that the board does not intend to renew his or her contract.  But did you realize that May 1 is another critical deadline if a board is considering non-renewal for a teacher on a limited or extended limited contract?

Updated Legal Publications

Did you know that OSBA’s division of legal services provides fact sheets on many topics relevant to public school districts in Ohio? These quick references provide answers to some of the more frequently asked questions the division receives. In the past year, the division has updated several fact sheets and other publications. Are you using the most recent version? Here are the fact sheets that have been updated in the past year:

U.S. Supreme Court issues ruling in IDEA exhaustion of remedies case

Earlier today, a unanimous United States Supreme Court issued its decision in the case of Fry v. Napoleon Community Schools.  The Court overturned the lower courts’ decisions and remanded the case to the appeals court to determine whether the plaintiffs’ suit is about a denial of a FAPE rather than discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Sec. 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.   

Governor Kasich's biennial budget bill

Governor Kasich’s biennial budget for FY 2018-19 was introduced on Wednesday as House Bill 49.  The full text—all 3512 pages of it—is available here

There has already been a lot of discussion about the provisions in the bill that are of interest to school districts and educational service centers.  But for those who would like to see the specific proposed language on some key topics, here are the line numbers in the current bill: