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Competitive bids for emergency conservation measures

Recently, we’ve received questions about whether a school district is required to seek bids for purchasing or installing energy conservation measures on installment payment or shared-savings contracts. Pursuant to RC 3313.372 and RC 3313.373, the short answer is no, school boards of education are not required to seek competitive bids.

The laws stipulate that a:

ODE posts new draft sections of Ohio’s ESSA plan

Just yesterday, the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) posted additional draft sections of Ohio’s federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) template. Ohio released its original draft plan in Feb. 2017 after soliciting stakeholder feedback. In March, the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) released a revised ESSA plan template, and as a result, Ohio is releasing a revised plan application that meets DOE’s revised template requirements.

What you need to know about salary notices

As the end of the school year approaches, one of the more popular questions we receive has to do with the salary notice schools provide to their employees. Legally, RC 3319.12 requires boards of education, by the first day of July, to give each teacher who holds a valid contract for the succeeding school year a “notice” of the salary they are to be paid. A similar notice requirement appears in RC 3319.082 for nonteaching school employees.

Don’t forget the Legal Assistance Fund!

OSBA offers school districts and ESCs in Ohio a wide range of services, access to up-to-date information and research on school issues, and the opportunity to participate actively in the development of educational policy at the state and federal levels. But board members may not be aware of one of the most valuable resources available through OSBA:  the Legal Assistance Fund (LAF).

Deadline nears to certify school emergency documents

On or before July 1, school and district administrators must check and certify that their district emergency plans are current. As a reminder, district emergency management plans must include the following four parts:

Don’t miss the opportunity to attend OSBA’s upcoming workshops

At OSBA, we strive to provide school board members and district administrators with the most relevant and recent information to keep you informed and prepared to provide the best learning environment for Ohio’s public school students. We’ve got some upcoming workshops that can help you do just that.

Before you hit the “send” button: Ohio Appeals Court rules on disclosure of medical information via email

One of the scariest, yet all-too-common, mishaps involving e-mail is when you hit “send,” but it zips out to the wrong person. More often than not, you immediately realize what you just did. You feel helpless, embarrassed and angry (that there is not an “un-send” key). Depending on the contents of the e-mail, you may even wonder if there are going to be any legal consequences for your gaffe. Luckily, a recent court decision helps to address the legal aspects, although it may do nothing to assuage your personal remorse.