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Ohio Attorney General releases opinion related to payment of education costs for students placed in residential facilities outside Ohio

On July 2, the Ohio Attorney General’s office (AG) released Opinion No. 2018-016, responding to the question of whether education costs for a child in custody of a public children services agency and placed in a private residential facility outside the state of Ohio is the responsibility of the board of education of the student’s home school district or of another public entity in Ohio.

Janus: an end to fair share fees

In a 5-4 decision, the US Supreme Court ruled today that the State of Illinois’ extraction of agency fees from non-consenting public-sector employees violates the First Amendment.

June Journal features legal hot topics

The June issue of Journal, OSBA’s award-winning magazine, features an entire section on hot topics for school districts. The articles, written by six members of the Ohio Council of School Board Attorneys (OCSBA), discuss five topics of critical interest to Ohio school board members and administrators.

OSBA resources and upcoming events

OSBA’s Division of Legal Services always is looking for ways to provide our members with new and useful resources. We’ve been hard at work during the first half of 2018 updating existing resources, creating new ones and planning workshops to provide members with the latest and greatest school law-related information.

New decisions on the rights of transgender students

Earlier this month, two federal courts issued decisions in cases involving the rights of transgender students. These decisions should help school districts understand their legal obligations as they apply to all students. 

Grimm v. Gloucester County School Board 

Memorial Day reminders about children in military families

Memorial Day is the official day on which the United States (U.S.) honors and remembers those who have died in active military service. As we prepare to gather with family and friends, it’s also a good time to review supports available to military families and their children in Ohio’s schools. 

Website accessibility webinars scheduled

The U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced today it is launching a new “technical assistance initiative” to assist schools, districts, state education agencies, libraries, colleges and universities in making their websites and online programs accessible to individuals with disabilities.