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Online and blended learning guidance

The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) has updated its online and blended learning guidance for the 2021-22 school year. The guidance now includes a new section in the FAQs on temporary online learning for closures due to COVID-19 outbreaks, as well as adding FAQs expanding guidance related to online learning and blended learning.

Fill up your board

As the general election on Nov. 2 nears, boards of education are waiting to see who their fellow members may be come January. Here at the legal division of OSBA, we’re getting lots of questions about the upcoming election. Two of the areas we’re getting questions about are write-in candidates and filling vacancies if not enough candidates are running for election.

Expiration of Virtual Meetings

As the state of emergency has lifted and life is beginning to get back to normal, public meetings have reverted to pre-pandemic guidelines. For example, the Ohio legislature did not extend or make permanent a public board’s ability to conduct meetings in a virtual landscape.