On-Demand Learning

We, at OSBA, would like for all members to be able to attend all of our workshops but we know that is unattainable.  We understand everyone’s busy schedules and other obligations.

OSBA Diversity and Equity Committee

The OSBA Diversity and Equity Committee provides a forum for addressing the unique challenges and opportunities facing diverse school board members. Committee members share concerns, ideas and suggestions with each other and OSBA. Composed of board members and association staff, it also supports OSBA’s efforts to promote and build awareness of issues relating to diversity in schools, equity in education and initiatives to enhance diverse students’ academic achievement.

CommunicationPlus - February 2020

Communicating about chronic absenteeism

Student absenteeism is a problem in schools around the country. Attendance plays a large role in student success; many say the biggest role. This is true for students in all grades. Students can’t learn if they don’t show up.

Ohio Boards of Distinction Award

The Ohio Boards of Distinction Award honors school boards that have engaged in activities and modeled behaviors that lead to excellence in local school district governance in support of quality education. The qualifications include requirements for each member of the board to participate in training or service as well as a commitment by the full board to engage in activities such as strategic planning and board self-assessment to help guide the direction of the district. 

STAR Awards Program

OSBA's STAR Awards program highlights school board members' commitment and service to Ohio's students. Four awards comprise the program: service, training, aptitude and recognition.