Call for Committee Applications

School board members benefit greatly when they volunteer to serve on an OSBA committee. It is a great way to get to know your fellow board members, network and collaborate while supporting your association.  

Committees work best when OSBA's diverse members provide their unique perspectives. Any school board member interested in serving on a committee is encouraged to submit an application for various elected offices and appointed committees within the association.

Master Board Member Program

Newly revised, the updated Master Board Member status combines the elements of the STAR Awards Program: service, training, aptitude and recognition. All Master Board Members - whether earned through the STAR Award Program or earned previously - will be eligible to become members of the All-Ohio School Board, selected by his or her region's awards committee.


A board member must earn the four components of the STAR Awards within a three-year period. Awards are presented at the spring regional conferences. 

Aptitude Award

The OSBA Aptitude Award requires a board member to demonstrate an understanding and comprehension of a variety of board governance skills based on six leadership areas: vision, accountability, policy, community engagement, relationships and advocacy.  


The assessment period is Monday, June 10, 2024 through Friday, July 5, 2024. The awards are presented at the fall regional conferences.

Recognition Award

The OSBA Recognition Award honors individual board members whose fellow board members, in recognition of their dedication to good governance and participation, wish to publicly acknowledge such contributions.  

Training Award

Points for the Training Award are earned from professional development events and activities delivered by OSBA or the Consortium of State School Boards Associations (COSSBA). 


A board member must earn 200 points within a three-year period to achieve the OSBA Training Award. This is a rolling yearly cycle; points are accumulated from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31. Awards are presented at the spring regional conferences. 

Service Award

Points for the OSBA Service Award accrue from local school board, district, region and state leadership, including service on an OSBA committees and local board offices and committees. 


A board member must earn 150 points within a three-year period to achieve the OSBA Service Award. This is a rolling yearly cycle; points are accumulated from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31. Awards are presented at the spring regional conferences. 

BWC approves $1.6 billion dividend for Ohio employers

On April 11, the Board of Directors for the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC) voted to return up to $1.6 billion to Ohio employers this spring in an effort to ease the economic impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on Ohio’s economy and business community.

Ohio Boards of Distinction Award FAQ

What is the timeline to apply for the award?
Boards of education may accumulate points during a two-year cycle. The cycle for this award will begin each January immediately following school board elections (every two years). The current cycle starts January 2024 and ends October 2025.The application must be returned to OSBA by Sept 23, 2025 to be honored at the 2025 Capital Conference.