CommunicationPlus - October 2020

Resources to address racism and bias in our schools

The deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd and Breonna Taylor have ignited social activism across the country, including a movement to acknowledge and eradicate racism in our education system. Schools are the heart of their communities, and students look to their school leaders to set an example and take a stand against injustice.

New territory transfer law declared unconstitutional

Last week, the U.S. District Court concluded that the territory transfer law enacted in the 2019-2020 biennial budget bill violated the Ohio Constitution. As a result, six territory transfers enacted under the law were halted and two territory transfer matters that were to be on the ballot in November are now moot.

Week of September 14

Governor activity
Gov. Mike DeWine signed House Bill (HB) 606. The bill prohibits bringing a civil action for damages for injury, death or loss to person or property against businesses, the state, local governments and schools, among others, if the cause is due to exposure to COVID-19. Click here to read an analysis of the bill.