U.S. Department of Education formally approves Ohio’s ESSA Plan

On Jan. 16, via press release, the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) announced the approval of Ohio’s state plan submitted as required by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Ohio was one of 11 states receiving DOE plan approval, including Arkansas, Maryland, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, South Dakota, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

PDQ February 2018

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CommunicationPlus - January 2018

Communicating your strategy: Effectively sharing your strategic plan

Strategic planning can be a complex and lengthy process. With all of the goal setting, visioning and work on metrics, communicating publicly about the plan is generally not a top priority, but it should be.

The benefits of your OSBA membership

OSBA offers districts numerous  programs, services and information through their membership. Review the many outstanding benefits districts have received by being a member of OSBA.

Week of December 11, 2017

House activity

The Ohio House concurred with the Senate amendments to House Bill (HB) 170 by a vote of 75-7. This bill calls for developing optional academic content standards and model curriculum for computer science. HB 170 also addresses educator qualifications for computer science.