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Featured Items

Bevel-etched glass plaque with a glass base.
Base: 6" x 2"
May be customized with district logo for a one-time setup fee of $35.


8" x 6" walnut plaque with black steel plate with laser engraved silver lettering. Plate size: 6.5" x 4.5"
May be customized with district logo for a one-time setup fee of $35.


Provides a basic understanding of board presidents’ responsibilities and relationships with board members and the administrative staff. Included in the OSBA Boardmanship Series.


A “survival kit” for all new board members. Includes these publications: Boardmanship, Board-Legislature Partnership, Board-Superintendent Partnership, Board-Treasurer Partnership, Board Officers' Guidebook and Parliamentary Procedure at a Glance.


REVISED 2024. This publication, written by Susan E. Geary, a special education attorney with Brickler & Eckler LLP, focuses on Ohio’s special education rules and a summary of hot legal topics in special education.
