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Featured Items

This NSBA publication is intended to serve as a stimulus for dialogue, an inspiration for building relationships and a framework for mutually developed teamwork. It is not a code of rules to be followed point-by-point; it is based on a systems approach to addressing issues and making decisions through ongoing dialogue and reflection as needs and circumstances change.


This NSBA publication provides a way of thinking about how the resources available in a school district can be best used for raising student achievement. It is designed to give school boards concrete examples of alignment processes in each of the board’s major roles; suggestions for clarifying superintendent and staff roles and responsibilities; and questions to ask during the year to ensure the alignment of all aspects of resources in the district.


This unique NSBA publication offers school board members a wide-angle lens through which to view student achievement, suggest the right questions to bring to their policy deliberations and provide a working knowledge that will inspire dynamic board leadership to raise student achievement.


(Second edition) This publication looks at state and local efforts to change teacher compensation and considers these questions: Are teachers paid equitably for what they do? Should pay increases be based on seniority, skill level or student achievement? Does increased compensation motivate teachers and improve schools? A must-read for everyone concerned with teacher pay and school reform. A Corwin Press publication available through OSBA.


Executive CEOs require the management and executive skills to meet complex issues of budgets, personnel, information technologies, product accountability and competition. Superintendents require many of the same skills to effectively manage their districts. This publication from Corwin Press and the American Association of School Administrators identifies the knowledge and skills needed by current and aspiring school district administrators to become high-performing CEOs of their districts and schools.


How many times have you wished for the right words to inspire, persuade or challenge your peers, students or yourself? Enhance your speeches, proposals and presentations — and enrich your days — with this unique collection of thoughts from widely recognized leaders in educational theory and practice. A Corwin Press publication available through OSBA.


(Second edition) Raise organizational effectiveness to improve the quality of instruction and dramatically impact student achievement! This Corwin Press publication focuses on how to change a school’s organizational structure and culture to improve the quality of teaching and learning.


This hard-hitting, no-nonsense advice on school board leadership capitalizes on hands-on experience working with hundreds of board members and superintendents over the past quarter century. It is a practical, survive-and-thrive book that will help school district leaders — board members, superintendents and senior administrators — learn to work together successfully in these extraordinarily challenging times.


This publication describes how the superintendent can wear the “chief partnership officer” hat while leading and managing a board-superintendent program. Special attention is paid to such crucial partnership building concepts as: empowering the board; building board member ownership of their governing work; making governing work easier and more fun; and involving senior administrators in providing executive support to the board.


Superintendent evaluation is a unique process that is often neglected but critical in this era of accountability. This invaluable guide provides an overview of the entire process, including: crafting board policy, criteria for good policy and prototype policy. It identifies the unique challenges posed by the evaluation process and describes a three-tiered model of evaluation. Numerous sample forms are included to assist school districts in creating a customized evaluation protocol to enhance performance.


This is the clearest, most useful guide to parliamentary procedure, now with new information on effective and reliable procedures for nominations, elections, ballots, balloting and ballot counting.


(Fourth edition) A learning tool for the novice and a valuable refresher course for the veteran school board member. An introduction to the policies, procedures, and essential issues involved in the lay governance of the U.S. public schools.
