To make changes to the law governing passing a school bus.
To expand political subdivision joint purchasing authority to expressly include purchases for construction services.
To establish a contribution based benefit cap in calculating a School Employees Retirement System member's retirement benefit.
To establish a contribution based benefit cap in calculating a School Employees Retirement System member's retirement benefit. |
Regards teacher licensure revocation, teacher hiring practices, and conduct unbecoming to the teaching profession.
To establish the Foster-to-College Scholarship Program, to require the Department of Education to hire a full-time school foster care liaison, and to make an appropriation for the Foster-to-College Scholarship Program.
To include instruction on the migration, experiences, and contributions of a range of communities in the social studies model curriculum.
Regards single-sex bathroom access in primary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education. |
To modify the procedures used by the Tax Commissioner to conduct property tax sales-assessment ratio studies.
To establish procedures and requirements governing biosolid lagoons and biodigestion facilities, including granting county and township zoning authority over those lagoons and facilities, and to modify the CAUV eligibility requirements for certain land used to produce biofuels.