Handouts for the Wednesday, Nov. 16, sessions are below. Please note: Materials are not available for every breakout session because some presenters are not providing handouts and some handouts were not available in time to post before the conference. If more handouts become available, they will be posted after the conference. (Please note that some of the files are more than 3 MB and may take some time to download.)
9 a.m. breakouts
Administration: You're a new superintendent — now what?
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Board development: The link between law and board policy
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Community relations: Community engagement leads to levy success
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Finance/facilities: Geothermal technology
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Hot topics: Mergers, consolidations, territory transfers
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Instruction: Reading and growing with the community
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Legal: 2011 case law update
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Organizational outlook: OASBO update on two key committees
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Student issues: Services for students with autism
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21st century learning: Implementing a one-to-one laptop initiative
handouts not provided