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OSBA accepting nominations for Capital Conference presentations

OSBA is seeking workshop presenters for its 2016 Capital Conference. One of the nation’s top education conferences, the event features more than 100 learning sessions covering topics of special interest to board members and administrators. OSBA selects workshop proposals based on innovation; relevance; proven success; strong interest; and practical, how-to information. The nomination deadline is March 11 at 5 p.m. They can be submitted online at

Ohio Supreme Court hears arguments in LAF case

This morning, the Ohio Supreme Court heard arguments in School Choice Ohio Inc. v. Cincinnati Public School District and Springfield City School District. School Choice Ohio (SCO) filed the lawsuit after the Springfield City School District denied SCO’s request for student names and addresses.

Updates in two LAF cases

OSBA’s legal assistance fund (LAF) supports school districts that are defending legal challenges with the potential to affect public schools statewide. The courts have recently ruled on two LAF cases.

Talawanda City School District Board of Education v. Testa

Organizational meeting refresher

Happy New Year! At the beginning of every year, the division of legal services receives questions relating to organizational meeting procedures and the administration of the oath of office. Let’s take a moment to review the basics.

RC 3313.14 requires, city, local, exempted village and joint vocational school (JVS) boards to organize within the first 15 days of January. An educational service center (ESC) governing board has until the end of the month to hold its organizational meeting.

Does our board member elect have a conflict of interest? (Part 2 of 4)

Through the month of December, we’re looking at the most common scenarios in which an incoming board member may have a conflict of interest.  Last week, we discussed individuals currently working and volunteering for the district (you can read that blog entry here).  This week, we’ll take a look at board members that have family members working for the school district.  In the coming weeks, we’ll look at board members that are employed by or own a company that has an active cont