Running for a school board may sound easy. But understanding the board's role, as well as the legal and ethical frameworks for running a campaign and managing the work once elected, often is misunderstood. This workshop will help guide you through this process and answer any questions you might have.
Workshop participants will receive a Board Candidate Kit, which includes Candidate: A practical guide to running for school board book; a subscription to the OSBA Journal, the premier bimonthly magazine for school board members; and a subscription to Briefcase, a semimonthly newsletter.
5:00 pm Registration
5:30 pm Workshop Begins OSBA Legal Presentation: John Price, staff attorney, OSBA
6:45 pm Break
7:00 pm OSBA Board & Management Services Presentation: Cheryl Ryan, director board and management services, OSBA
8:15 pm Q&A
8:30 pm Adjournment