
  • Develop a strategic communications plan that encompasses media relations, one-to-one communication and creation of a common message to build support for efforts to advance student achievement. 

  • Establish a key communicators program to ensure effective two-way communication between the school district and community at-large — including dissemination of accurate information from the school district to the community and provision of critical feedback from the community to the school district. 

  • Develop discussion points for use by school officials and education advocates to make the community aware of the needs of all students, including those who are struggling, and to elicit support for district efforts to advance student achievement.
  • Secure a reverse-dial emergency notification system with phone, text, and email capabilities to announce emergency school closings, special events, and keep the community informed when there is a significant emergency. Ensure that parents and community members, including senior citizens, are able to select the mode(s) of communication (landline, cell, text, email, etc.) they prefer, based on the topics to be communicated (general information, special announcements, emergency information, etc.). 


  • Establish a collaborative relationship with the municipal government through efforts such as regularly scheduled meetings between school and municipal officials and the appointment of liaisons between the school board and governing body. The goal of such collaboration should be to support programs that advance student achievement, healthy decision-making, and a safe and secure school environment. 

  • Involve the municipal government, faith-based community, service organizations, local industry and small businesses, as well youth-service organizations, in a comprehensive plan to promote student achievement and healthy decision-making. 

Community/Parental Involvement

  • Develop training programs for parents on how to guide the schoolwork of their children. Partner with universities and colleges to assist in family training. 

  • Conduct a needs assessment or asset map to provide information on the current status of community and neighborhood involvement. Seek the observations and advice of teachers, who are in continuous contact with students. 

  • Seek government and private funding to implement initiatives involving parental/community involvement, housing policy, and education program improvements.


  1. New Jersey School Boards Association (Ed.). (2017). The Task Force on Student Acheivement (pp. 70-71, Rep.). Trenton, NJ: New Jersey School Boards Association.