House Government Accountability and Oversight Committee

The committee heard sponsor testimony on House Bill (HB) 512, sponsored by Rep. Bill Reineke (R-Tiffin). An analysis of the bill can be accessed here. It creates the Department of Learning and Achievement to oversee primary, secondary and postsecondary education. The bill also transfers much of the duties and authority of the State Board of Education and superintendent of public instruction to the newly created Department of Learning and Achievement.

House Education and Career Readiness Committee

The committee passed HB 438, sponsored by Reps. Stephen D. Hambley (R-Brunswick) and Darrell Kick (R-Loudonville). The legislation deals with the composition of educational service centers and local school districts. The bill now heads to the House for a full vote.

The committee also heard sponsor testimony on HB 491, sponsored by Rep. Jay Edwards (R-Athens). The bill would require the State Board of Education to issue substitute licenses to qualified speech-language pathologists, audiologists, registered nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists and social workers.

The committee held its second hearing on HB 477, sponsored by Rep. J. Kyle Koehler (R-Springfield). The bill eliminates nonoperational and outdated provisions that relate to the Ohio Department of Education and the operation of primary and secondary schools. Witnesses did not testify.

Finally, the committee continued to hear testimony on HB 108. Sponsored by Reps. Christina Hagan (R-Marlboro Township) and Rob McColley (R-Napoleon), the bill would require one-half unit of financial literacy in the high school curriculum.

House Finance Committee

The committee heard sponsor testimony on HB 369, sponsored by Rep. Martin J. Sweeney (D-Cleveland). The bill guarantees certain school districts receive at least as much per-pupil state foundation funding as the per-pupil amounts of state funding for chartered nonpublic schools.

Senate Education Committee

The committee heard proponent testimony on HB 21, sponsored by Rep. Stephen D. Hambley (R-Brunswick). The legislations deals with the verification of community school enrollment. OSBA, the Buckeye Association of School Administrators (BASA) and the Ohio Association of School Business Officials (OASBO) offered proponent testimony on the bill.

Click here for a copy of the testimony.

The committee also conducted its sixth hearing on Senate Bill (SB) 82, sponsored by Sens. Sandra Williams (D-Cleveland) and Peggy Lehner (R-Kettering). The bill requires public schools, within two hours of the start of a school day, to notify the parent of a student who fails to arrive at school and is not excused from attendance. Witnesses did not testify. Lehner mentioned the bill would be amended and voted on at the next hearing.

Finally, the committee heard sponsor testimony on HB 66, sponsored by Rep. Ron Young (R-Leroy Township). The bill establishes the Undergraduate Mission Study Committee to evaluate how each state university contributes to its undergraduate mission.

State Legislative Conference

The March 6 State Legislative Conference is fast approaching. The event, hosted by OSBA, OASBO and BASA, provides school board members, administrators and treasurers a great venue to meet with their state legislators and discuss issues impacting public education. Click here for information on registration, speakers and an agenda for the day’s activities.